Wednesday, August 1, 2007

The View From Above My House

If Sasparillo flew over my house, he would see my two Bradford Pear trees which are growing
up to be lush and gorgeous. He would see my front porch with the rocking charirs, and maybe someone in my family sitting there trying to get some fresh air and a moment of solitude.
He would see cars going in and out of the driveway. Everyone in the house drives, so someone is always coming or going. As he flew over my backyard, he would see land that's only a few years removed from being a cow pasture - not much there. He might see my two dogs come bounding out the back door, barking their brains out at some poor soul trying to take a leisurely walk down the path behind my house. He would see the beautiful rabbit hutch that my yard man built for me recently. A huge spider has been building a web between the hutch and the back gate. Sadly, he would see the house behind mine that burned down yesterday. I don't think anyone was living in it yet, but it was a pretty house, and I had seen the workmen work so hard on it.

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